spring break

 Since it is spring break. my lack of creative responsibility has made me even more creative so 
we went to the fabric store. Shane drew up this sketch of a jacket he would love me to create. he bought the fabric and off we go.... I've never done something this technical so I'm very nervous but hopefully it will turn out. erg.
 here is the fabric i choose. :) obvious difference in aesthetic. 
I made a pair of shorts out of the striped (second down) knit fabric. 
I will take lovely photos of them soon and display them 
my collection is inspired by edward sciccorhands, the movie, and late the other night i was sketching coats and instead of sticking to my usual design ways i decided to go crazy and push myself in a direction i don't tend to go in. I would like to make this out of used paint drip blankets. then i plan to set it up with a white back ground and have slow motion bright colored paint thrown at it, for a video. shane has agreed to help. I just need to make it. 

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